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1975: Foundations laid with the participation of Necmettin Erbakan.
1976: TÜMOSAN was established to produce motor drives, transmission components, diesel engines, and tractors.
1977: TÜMOSAN signed a license agreement with FIAT to produce diesel engines and tractors.
1981: Completed engine assembly and testing facility; produced the first engine.
1984: Produced the first tractor using TÜMOSAN engines.
2004: Privatized and joined the Albayrak Group, accelerating localization efforts.
2012: Began trading on the Istanbul Stock Exchange.
2013: Produced the 8105 model tractor (105 HP).
2014: Produced Turkey's first 115 HP tractor.
2015: Introduced an agricultural equipment product range.
2017: Launched the PUSAT Tactical Wheeled Armored Vehicle and the ZEYNA diesel engine series.
2018: Entered the construction equipment sector with diesel and electric forklifts.
2019: Designed and mass-produced a 4-cylinder marine engine.
Ensuring sustainability in stakeholder satisfaction by producing high-quality, technologically advanced products on time, while actively contributing to the defense and agricultural sectors.
To become a globally recognized leader in the agricultural and defense industries.