Plant Factory aims to provide the change that agricultural production needs by establishing nature-friendly technological lands to enable urban production and to feed our society with healthy, nutritious, and delicious plants. Plant Factory, as a provider of final crops and production systems, takes the mission of research and development for the efficient production of medicinal and aromatic plants using technology and science, especially for food products.
Since 2014, we have been working hard to engage in agriculture in a closed and controllable environment, challenging pesticides, seasons, and distant supply chains by establishing vertical lands in the city. On a commercial scale, we produce year-round with 95% less water consumption and 20 times more efficiency per square meter. We set new standards to trace all of our crops from seed to your table.
Conventional agriculture harms natural resources. Day by day, our water resources, soil quality, and health deteriorate, while increased carbon emissions negatively impact the quality of life for all living creatures.